Τετάρτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

How To Make A Living On Poker

It is often imagined that playing poker calls for huge money and is likely to drown one into debts and loss. However, the scenario is not that tragic at all. All you need is the focus, the passion and the intelligence to make a living on poker. While some of the poker games involve risking a lot of money, there are games that do not demand a huge amount. It is a good idea to start with the latter. Eventually, you can go ahead investing more if you manage to have the savings and think it fit based on your prospects in a particular game.

First, you need to be aware that when you are a fresh in the field of online poker, you are likely to be intimidated by players who are poker professionals for a long time. They will definitely be more skilled with their investment and foresight on the game. The crux is you have to really work on yourself and master the game so that you stand a class apart and far more competent as the days go by.
Second, once you enter the league of online players, you can often get carried away and hurriedly invest randomly expecting a hefty return. This is not going to work and other experienced players would take advantage of you hastiness. You lose money and reputation as an online poker player.
If you are an aspiring poker professional and wish to make a living on this game, you must be mentally prepared to put in long qualitative hours in this game. You can acquire real experience only when you study poker thoroughly and play poker online with full concentration for long duration. This would test your patience, attentiveness and the urge to make it big in poker.

Fourth, becoming an online poker professional is not mere cakewalk. It calls for immense respect for fair poker, and extraordinary dedication. It is not like a mundane 7-8 hour job. It needs high involvement on your part. Most important, poker is not a job that promises you a specific amount of money every month. This might induce financial insecurity on the part for the player. Thus you need to be free from such emotions and confidently play through with conviction. This is possible if you possess the skill of a good poker player and a strong vision about the game, the rest comes with experience!

Lastly you must not take poker lightly if you are searching for a complete living out of it. There would be good times; there would be bad times but that need not push you to acquire baseless prejudices on the game. If you make mistakes in the process which is common, you will lose money but that does not imply that your ship will sink. You will master the game only through trial and effort and that can be experienced only if you play the game which involves initial hardships and losses. But eventually, you become a professional and know better how to invest and how to get the best return on poker.

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