Σάββατο 2 Μαρτίου 2013

Strip Poker — Two guys, two girls, everyone wins

I hoped she had made three of a kind, and from the way she struggled with her cards, I was sure she had. "Go for it," Kelly said. "Leave him with nothing. Make him take off his pants."

"I don't think he's bluffing," Alice replied.

Kelly leaned over to look her friend's hand. "Who cares, you'll beat him anyway."

Alice hesitated another second and then relented. She reached into her jean's pocket and pulled out her panties.

"Wait, wait, wait," Ding complained as she threw them on the pile. "How do we know those are yours?"

"Who else's would they be?" Alice asked.

"I mean," Ding clarified. "How do we know you were wearing those? Don't you girls carry around an extra pair in your purse just in case?"

"We don't have any purses," Kelly said. "Besides, you'll know they're hers when she takes off her pants later."

Alice looked at her friend in shock. The matter-of-fact way Kelly had said it was a bit refreshing. Kelly returned her friend's look over her half empty bottle as she took another drink. Instead Alice turned back to us. "They're mine. I took them off when I went to the bathroom."

I picked them up from the clothes pile to inspect them. They were also Hanes, and were a full cut bikini style. As long as we got her to take one more thing off, we weren't missing too much. "They look pretty clean to me. I think we are going to have to need proof."

"Serves you right for not playing fair," Kelly said. Alice gave her another mean look, but Kelly was back to her bottle again.

"Pull your jeans down a bit so we can see you aren't wearing anything," I said. She shrugged and started to undo her button while still sitting down. "Come on," I interrupted her. "Stand up. Do it right."

She obeyed and turned around. She pulled her jeans down maybe an inch. "We need to see some crack," I clarified. She obeyed, giving us a glimpse of her crack. "Further," I said. Another inch. "Further." Another half inch. "If you just get it over with it won-" I didn't need to finish, and she gave us a full moon shot.

She had the most perfect bubble butt I had ever seen. You could also see faint tan lines in the shape of a thong, which brought pleasant sun bathing images to mind. Kelly actually reached up to slap a cheek. "Hot ass!" she cried.

Alice quickly pulled her jeans back up and buttoned the front. She gave another look at Kelly, but she was now draining her bottle. "Sit down and have a drink," Kelly said. "It's just a game. Now get his pants off."

Ding gave Alice another 100 and she met my bet. "No, bet him 5 more," Kelly corrected. "Then he has to take off his pants."

I got a bit nervous, but Ding spoke up. "You can only bet once each round. Alice already raised this round. She can meet the bet or fold."

I wasn't sure if that was a rule or not, but the girls gave in. I dropped my full house on the floor. Alice had three jacks. "Shit." Alice said. She looked at her stack. It was only a little bigger than Ding's and she had already traded in 200 worth of underwear. Kelly hadn't touched her underwear yet and she had a stack twice as big.

With all the clothes traded in to this point, there was 600 worth of chips in the game. Kelly and I had the most, each over 200, while Ding and Alice had just under 100. Ding and I had talked strip poker strategy a lot, and we both knew in order to see skin, you had to be willing to show skin. And sitting as it was, it would have to be Ding. We both knew that Alice would quit before taking something else off. It would take a lot more to drink and she was too nervous to drink now.

The other option was to get the bra off of Kelly. She wanted another drink already, and despite her claim that she was done shedding clothes, we were pretty sure she would if it would help her win. She had had probably only said that as a boast that she wouldn't need to, not that she wouldn't if she had to. And if she showed more skin, she could talk Alice out of her shirt. But we had to challenge Kelly to get her to take anything else off, and right now only I had the chips to do it. It was much better odds if it was 2 to 1. I hoped Ding understood this.

We took a short break so I could get us more drinks and Ding could use the bathroom. "No cheating like Alice did," Kelly called out to him. What a competitor!

The next few hands saw Kelly and I give a little to Ding, and Alice just fold every hand. The one hand Alice did bet on, Kelly reraised her, and after another dirty look, Alice folded. Kelly was out to win, and team work didn't have that much to do with it. Alice finally found a friend in her drink.

I got a pair of Aces a few hands later and decided to take the first chip out of Kelly. She raised a little each hand whenever she had something decent. I met her raise and just added a few more. She thought about it, and then met the bet.

I didn't get anything on the draw, and it didn't look like she did either. She looked at me carefully though. I had only dropped one card to play with her head, and she screwed up her face when she looked at me. "Are you bluffing again?"

"Pay to find out," I answered. She did, and I reraised. She wisely folded, but I had taken a lot of her chips. I also palmed the two aces before giving my cards back. I knew I was going to need them soon.

A couple hands later Ding tried to take a bite out of Kelly. He raised her, and she reraised five more than he had. He had a good hand, so he stood up to give the ladies a show. He wore fancy European underwear that I thought looked ridiculous, but he told me the ladies loved it. They did too. He slipped out of his jeans backwards, showing off a firm butt with green underwear that only covered half of each cheek. The girls whooped at him, and then he turned around to show off his package. The pouch style underwear lifted it prominently, and the girls whistled appreciatively. This would make it easier to get a couple boobs out, I thought.

Ding met her bid, and then won the hand. Kelly (and Alice) were to busy staring at Ding's dick to realize she had lost a ton recently and was just down to a handful of white chips left. As she regained her composure a couple hands later, she realized she only had a few antes left. It looked like she might quit too. She hadn't touched her drink in a while, spending too much time concentrating on the game, and her liquid courage might be disappearing. I couldn't have been more wrong.

It was my deal next, and I shuffled the cards loosely, looking for another ace. I found it, shuffled it to the bottom, and palmed the two I had kept to the bottom as well. Ding was talking to the girls, and they were paying attention to him, or at least part of him. I was pretty sure Kelly was going to loose her bra this next hand, and I was wondering what kind of control Ding was going to have. I was getting hard just thinking about it.

I dealt the cards, giving Kelly the three from the bottom. No one saw what I did, but I could see the reaction from Kelly when she looked at her cards. With only 15 in chips before her, she decided not to raise, but I did.

"I raise 20," I said, throwing the chips in.

"You're a bastard," Kelly said, but didn't even hesitate as she reached behind her back, and undid her bra. She wasn't into teasing now, and just slid it off her arms and put it on the pile. She didn't pose or ask for approval she just reached toward Dink, "One hundred please."

"Easy girl," Ding replied. "You all got an eye full of me, let's see you for a moment."

Kelly liked the game; she didn't yet appreciate the theatrics required. She put her cards down and put her hands on her hips. She was still sitting down but twisted at the waist, sending her breasts swishing back and forth. They were probably B-cups like we had guessed, but as thin as she was, they were in perfect proportion to the rest of her body with great shape and not a hint of sag to them. They would be a handful, I was sure. Kelly proved it by grabbing one and pulled it up to lick a nipple with her long tongue.

"Better?" she asked, releasing the breast so it bounced nicely.

"Much," Ding replied, handing over her chips.

"Thanks," she said. "And watch where you point that thing."

"Huh," Ding replied. He followed her eyes and looked down in his lap to see that his pouch was filling quickly. The thin fabric showed his shape perfectly, and he might as well not even be wearing them. He tried to cross his legs or arms or something, but it only drew more attention to himself. After a while, he just gave up and accepted the stares.

"Don't worry," Kelly assured him, "I'll get those off you in a second. It looks like you need a little extra room."

Kelly laughed as she met my bet with her new money and then reraised me 50. "I fold," I said. Not wanting to go up against her stacked aces.

"You are a bastard," she confirmed, sweeping a pot she had hoped would be much bigger and leaning over to let us watch her boobs hang and sway. "You're also wearing too many clothes."

"You see how the game is played," I argued. "You win the hands you can to get money to pay others to take off their clothes. It's pretty simple."

We played a few more hands, with Alice the center of attention. She had the fewest chips left and it was only a matter of hands before she ran out. She knew it too, and decided to make a play before one of us forced her to it. I didn't have anything, and while I certainly had enough money to raise her tank top off, I didn't know how good her hand was, and she just might fold. Plus, while I wanted to feed chips to Kelly to raise her competitive level, Alice was best to keep humble. Make her feel guilty about having so few chips after already trading in all her underwear yet still be wearing all the clothes she started with.

I didn't have a chance to make a decision, though, because Kelly beat me to it. She met the raise, having more than enough to reraise, but didn't. Ding and I stood back and let the women play. Alice took three, and smiled at the result. Kelly took one and frowned. Alice noticed and raised all her money. Kelly reraised 5.

"What are you doing?" Alice shrieked. "You're bluffing!"

"You're going to have to strip to find out," Kelly chuckled. She had figured out the game perfectly.

"But you're not supposed to do that, they are."

"Don't worry about them. They're too busy playing with their boners to play cards right now. Strip!"

"But I don't have a bra on," she said in a hushed voice, as if we had forgotten.

"And I do?" Kelly argued, shaking her tits for us again.

"Yea, but yours are . . ."

"Mine are what?" Kelly probed. Alice bit her lip. It probably wasn't a good idea to insult the size of your best friend's breasts. "Take that top off, or I'll take it off for you."

Alice still hesitated and Kelly leaped toward her, knocking over a couple empty bottles. Alice slapped her hand away. "Okay, okay, just give me a minute." Alice reached over her head to grab the back of her tank top and took a deep breath. She pulled the top over her head but then kept it clutched in front of her against her chest. Kelly pulled at the tank, and Alice released it, but kept her hands in place.

"Come on, show us what you've got. Don't be such a little girl."

Alice sighed again and then dropped her arms to show an impressive set of breasts. Definitely D's, if not bigger. Her stomach wasn't as hard as Kelly, but her added curves were amazing. As big as they were, didn't sag too much, but they had probably only grown to their current size in the last two years. I wouldn't want to see them at 50 years, but they looked incredibly hot at 18.

"Nothing to be ashamed of," Kelly said. "Now shake 'em around. I'm paying good chips for this show."

Alice knew if she didn't, Kelly would do it for her. She bounced up and down and shook side to side. I kicked myself for not having a camera set up somewhere in the room. "Better?" she asked Kelly.

"Sure. Now are you going to meet my raise?" Kelly asked.

Ding handed Alice her chips, and she looked shocked. "This is it?"

"Fifty for a shirt," Ding said. "Sorry, those are the rules."

"Oh, go get yourself a towel," Kelly bit back at him. "Those tits are worth a hundred apiece."

"A towel?" Ding started and then looked down. His precum showed up clearly through his briefs, and despite is dark skin he turned a couple shades of red.

Alice laughed, her breasts bouncing some more, and put a chip into the pot. Kelly showed her busted straight, and Alice showed her three 7's. "You bitch," Alice said, but then laughed. She turned to Ding, got to her knees, and shook some more for him, pumping her hips and feeling up her breasts with her hands. Ding squirmed, and his wet spot grew.

"I'll get those off him, don't worry," Kelly said, but then looked at her chips. She wasted quite a few to get Alice's shirt off, depending on what you consider to be "wasted." I thought they were well-spent, but she didn't have near enough to get Ding to go bankrupt.

"Looks like you need a little help first," I said, reading her mind.

"I'm not worried," Kelly said. "In a few hands, you'll pay to see my pussy."

"How much?" I repied.

"Everything you got."

"I've got a lot," I said, motioning toward the largest stack in the group.

"We'll see," she replied.

A few hands later we did. She got the hand she wanted, and I was wiling to pay the price. She raised big after I had passed, and then I met it. I didn't have anything, and kept a king and jack, dropping the other three. I got an ace, queen, and ten. Not bad.

She was smiling at her hand too and looked at me with an evil grin. "Pay up." I did the easy math and raised one chip more than she had. She was already getting to her feet before the last chip hit the pot. She even walked over to me. She stood with her panties inches from my face and grabbed my hair to pull my nose into her. She pushed back and bent over to whisper, "How dry are you?"

Not very, I thought to myself.

She spun around and hooked her thumbs under the tiny waist band. She shimmied out of them incredibly slowly, revealing an amazingly tight ass. She bent over completely, giving me a perfect view of her pussy lips through her thighs a foot from my face. She turned, showing off a neatly trimmed triangle above a tight pussy. I wanted to reach out for it, but she dangled her panties in my face first and then stepped away.

Instead of tossing her panties on the pile of clothes, she tossed them into the pot. "I reraise," she said, smiling at me.

"I call," I said, or tried to. It came out as more of a squeak.


I cleared my throat. "I said, I call."

She laughed at me. "Fine, more money for Ding's soggy panties."

"What to you have?" I aksed.

She was still standing with her hands on her hips posing completely naked for all of us. "A hot bod, a wet pussy, and three 8's," she answered.

"I've got a straight," I replied.

"In your pants maybe," she challenged, undeterred.

I flipped my cards over. She looked at them and stopped posing. "You fucking bastard! That's not fair! What am I supposed to do now? I want to see your cock."

"Mine? What about Ding?"

"Fuck, Ding," she said walking up to me again. "After my shirt you took every fucking piece of fucking clothing of my fucking body, and I know you fucking enjoyed it. In return I want more than just a few fucking plastic chips. I want to see your fucking cock."

"You've got to earn it," I said, standing up from the floor to look her in the eyes.


"Suck it," I dared.

"I'm horny as hell," she replied. "What the fuck do you think I wanted to do with it, make shadow puppets?"

I didn't have an answer for that, and she shoved me back toward the couch. I took a seat, and she knelt in front of me to undo my jeans. She pulled them and my boxers off in one strong motion and leaned her breasts over my thighs and began to go to work. I was wet, and she first tasted me with her tongue, slowly cleaning off my head and squeezing the base to get some more.

She played with my balls and licked my shaft up and down for a few minutes just playing with me, giving me a great visual, but no pressure. "Suck it already," I moaned.

She smiled at me, and then parted her lips and took me in. She did it agonizingly slowly, but went deeper than any other girl ever had on me, getting her lips around the base of my cock. She moved up and down half an inch, fucking me with her throat, and it felt like my balls were spinning in my sack. I was still a few minutes from blowing my load, but if she kept that up, I was going to shoot out her ears.

She knew it too, and wasn't that eager to end it so soon. She pulled back up slowly and resumed liking and stroking, her hands working with her mouth in perfect union. My head rolled up to the ceiling, and I saw stars for a while until she changed tactics again, releasing my cock and moving down to lick my balls.

It felt good, but the reduction in stimulation allowed me to gather by senses and look back down from the ceiling. My eyes caught motion from the other part of the room and I saw Alice drain the last of her bottle and then slowly crawl toward Ding, whose attention was on Kelly's ass bouncing up and down with her head.

I touched Kelly on the shoulder, and she looked up. My eyes gave her direction and she turned to look toward the others. Ding saw the attention he was getting, and he turned as well, his eyes lit up as he saw Alice crawling toward him, her huge breasts filling the space between her arms.

Kelly didn't want to miss the encounter and got up. She turned around and sat her hard ass on my stomach. She reached down to my cock and slowly inserted it into her warm pussy. I slouched a bit to make the angle better, and soon she was bouncing slowly up and down on me. She kept her fingers down there to play with her clit and I reached around to cradle her bouncing breasts. Both of our eyes were on the pair in front of us.

Ding squirmed under the gaze of the buxom beauty that crawled toward him now, his Spanish bravado evaporating. The look on Alice's face was a curious one. Her eyes kept darting to us on the couch, Kelly moaning as she thrust up and down on me, and then to Ding and down to his rock hard dick. I wasn't sure if she felt an obligation to him, since Kelly was with me, or if she just wasn't sure of herself in this sexual situation. Either way, she covered it up by exuding sex with every movement. Though, with Alice topless, I wasn't sure she could do anything without looking like a sex goddess.

"What do I have to do to see your cock?" she asked. Her tone was unsure, almost as if she knew what the answer was and was hoping she was wrong.

Ding felt that as well, and thought it would be better to take the lead. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine." That was easy enough.

Alice stood and let her hands wander for a while, rubbing her crotch through her tight jeans and feeling herself up to tweak both tits and lift them up to lick them as she had seen Kelly do. She turned around and grabbed her ass, squeezing her plump cheeks through her jeans. Her hands went back to the front to undo the button and zipper, and (this time without coaxing) slid them down.

Ding got to his knees and moved up behind her. He grabbed her ass, squeezing it as she did and brought his face close enough to tongue her crack. One of his hands slid down underneath and his finger played with her, as of yet, revealed pussy. Alice had her own hands up higher, playing with her breasts and purring softly.

Ding turned her hips, and she complied by stepping around carefully with her jeans at her knees. Ding took in the view of her completely shaved pussy and inhaled her aroma deeply. He licked the area around her lips, kissing her inner thighs and playing with her clit. Alice's knees bucked slightly, and Ding supported her with his strong hands on her hips. He picked her up and carried her over to our couch, setting her down on the cushion at the other end from us. Once her bare ass was on the cushion, he pulled her jeans all the way off and then stood to give her what she had asked for. He peeled the tight briefs down slowly, springing his giant cock free.

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