Σάββατο 2 Μαρτίου 2013

What is Poker Tracker ?

Poker Tracker is by far one of the best tools you can use to improve your online poker game.

The best explanation of the software is the one on Poker Tracker Official Website:
Poker Tracker is a Windows based computer program that allows you to analyze your on-line Texas Hold’Em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, 7 Card Stud, 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo and Razz play. Poker Tracker stores and summarizes hand history data that can be downloaded from your poker site.”
What Are Poker Tracker’s Features?
Poker Tracker is an online poker analyzer. It basically downloads your hand histories, reads over them, and replays the game for itself. It then takes the data and puts it under each player’s name (the player’s online poker screen name). Later you can refer to those ratings and hand histories to make critical decisions at your poker game. It tells you everything you know from different players according to your previous plays with them.

Following are four best situations in which Poker Tracker can be – and should be – used:
  • When you want to decide which table is the most profitable table to sit at. Simply check Poker Tracker and find the table with the worst players.
  • When you have sat at a table, but don’t know many of the players. Check Poker Tracker for the info or import notes to the poker software from Poker Tracker. These are the information you collected from the players previously while playing against them.
  • When you are in an important hand against a player whom you don’t have much information on: Check Poker Tracker, to find out what starting hands that particular player typically plays, whether he bluffs often, or can be bluffed out easily, and so forth.
  • When you want to see how well you have done your self. Not only you can see how much you’ve won or lost in different sessions but you can see other material such as how often you called preflop, how often you called raises and ended up losing/winning the hand, how often you had a showdown, and more …
Here is a more complete list of Poker Tracker features …
  • Import Hand Histories: Poker tracker allows you to import hand histories from almost all online poker websites. You can combine them in one large database. You can also indicate your different usernames at different websites and poker tracker will use them all to analyze your game.
  • Analyze Your Own Poker Strategy: Following are the most common ways you can analyze and improve your own poker strategy:
        •   Track Winnings and Losses: Poker tracker tracks your winnings and losses for you. You can also view your wins and losses during certain time period, for certain poker hands, in cash games vs. tournaments, at different blind levels, and more.
        •   Your Poker Aggressiveness: You can check the percentages of the times you raise, call raises, see a flop, and more. You can also see how many of those times you actually end up winning the hand. That should give you a good overall analysis of your own game.
        •   Track your play by Position : You can view and analyze how many times you call under the gun, from the cut-off, etc and look at the amount of money you have won or lost from different positions. You can also see how you play in a short-handed game vs. a full table.
        •   Replay your hands: Poker tracker allows you to replay any of your previous hands. You can review your game and strategy during those hands and identify your strength or weaknesses.
  • Poker Tracker allows you to put notes on players and export them to the online poker website you play at.
  • The same way that you can track your own game, you can track other player’s skills . This is most useful when you sit at a table or trying to decide which table to sit at. You can take a look at Poker Tracker and check a particular player’s usernames to see whether he is a fish, good player, tight, aggressive, and so forth.
  • You can also setup rules so that Poker Tracker would Categorize Players in the database. For instance you can set a rule that if a certain player calls raises more than 50% of the time preflop or sees the river more then 30% of the time he is a fish. You can also set that the rules would be used if there are at least 100 hands in the database from that certain player.
Screen shot of Poker Tracker?
Is it a practical software?
Yes it is. This is the most useful software I’ve seen on the market. I only wish I could use it at live games too.
What are the disadvantages of Poker Tracker?
I believe the main disadvantage would be that it requires windows and it won’t run on Mac. Other than I don’t see any problems with the software.

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